Editorial (full text)
List of Contributors (full text)
The Realm of the Spirit: Caspar David Friedrich’s artwork in the context of romantic theology, with special reference to Friedrich Schleiermacher.
Kristina Van Prooyen (St. John’s College, Oxford). (full text)
India in Asia: Ôkawa Shûmei’s Pan-Asian Thought and His Idea of India in Early Twentieth-Century Japan.
Yukiko Sumi Barnet (St. Hugh’s College, Oxford). (full text)
Ritual and Violence in Upper Silesia and Ulster, 1920.
Timothy Wilson (St. Peter’s College, Oxford). (full text)
Royalist Noblewomen and Family Fortunes during the Civil War and Commonwealth: the Survival Strategies of the Countess of Derby.
by Sonja Kmec (Harris Manchester College, Oxford). (full text)
Anglo-Norman Forest.
by Dolores Wilson (University of Houston). (full text)
Book Reviews
Wayne B. Bartlett, Wales (Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 2003; pp. xii + 228. £20.00).
Reviewed by Michael Burtscher (St John’s College, Oxford). (full text)
Geoff Eley, Forging Democracy: The History of the Left in Europe, 1850-2000 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002; pp. xxii + 698. £25).
Reviewed by Leonora Fitzgibbons (Balliol, Oxford). (full text)
Norbert Peabody, Hindu Kingship and Polity in Precolonial India (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003; pp. xiii + 190. £40).
Reviewed by Angma Jhala (Christ Church, Oxford). (full text)