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List of contributors and Participants   (full text)


Programme of the Colloquium 2009 ‘Odd Alliances in History'   (full text)


Report of the Proceedings by Stephen Hague (Linacre College, University of Oxford)   (full text)


Conference Papers

Panel 1 : Religion

Male and Female, Clerk and Lay: Odd Alliances in the Order of Sempringham during the Late Middle Ages
by Katherine Sykes (Harris Manchester, University of Oxford)   

The Alliance of Christianity and Mechanistic Philosophy in 17th-century England
by Sveinbjorn Thordarson (University of Iceland/University of Edinburgh)   
(abstract)   (full text)

Religious Millenarians and Secular Radicals: An Alliance for a New World in early 1830s England 

by Philip Lockley (New College, University of Oxford)   (abstract)

Panel 2:  Politics, Diplomacy and War

Procopius, Belisarius and the Goths 
by Christopher Lillington-Martin (University of Exeter)   
(abstract)   (full text)

An Odd Alliance: William Beresford and Don João, Prince and King of Portugal

by Professor Fernando Dore Costa (Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa, Lisbon) (full text)


The Odd at Odds: British Spies and US Attorneys vs. a Conspiracy of German Junkers, Indian Revolutionaries, and Irish Republicans during WWI 
by Matthew E. Plowman (Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa)   
(abstract)    (full text)

The Cross-Party Network against the Wilson Government’s Support of the Federal Military Regime in the Nigerian Civil War
by Lasse Heerten (University of Oxford/Freie Universität Berlin)   
(abstract)   (full text)

Panel 3 :  Empire and Social Policies

The Alliance of ‘Fanaticism’ and ‘Avarice’ in Descriptions of the New World during the 18th Century
by Tyler Griffith (University of Aberdeen)   
(abstract)    (full text)

'Those that are well off do have the natives as Slaves’: Humanitarian Compromises with Slavery in Sierra Leone and Liberia, 1825-1848

by Bronwen Everill (King’s College, London)   (abstract)   (full text)

Jingoists and Quakers: Supporters of an Oxfordshire 'Colony'
by Chris Sladen (Christ Church, University of Oxford)   
(abstract)   (full text)



History teaching in conflict and post-conflict areas: ‘Sometimes, textbooks need to be locked in the cupboard’ - Cecilia Keaveney
Report by Graciela Iglesias Rogers, co-editor JOUHS  (Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford)   
(full text)


Book Reviews 

G.R. Evans, The University of Oxford, a new history (London, 2010), ISBN-10: 1848851146, hardback, RRP £35.

Reviewed by Chris Sladen (Ruskin Public History Group)   (full text)


Gordon Wood, Empire of Liberty: a history of the early Republic, 1788-1815 (Oxford, 2009), ISBN-10: 0195039149, hardcover, RRP £25.

Reviewed by Tom Cutterham (St. Hugh's College, University of Oxford)   (full text)


Agustín Coletes Blanco, Literary Allusion in Johnson’s Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland (Glasgow, 2009). ISBN 1845300602, RRP £12.95.

Reviewed by Clark Colahan (Anderson Professor of Humanities,Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington)   (full text)
The First Annual Alan Villiers Memorial Lecture:


‘Naval Power and the World Question: geopolitics, technology and the rise of the West’ by Professor Jeremy Black  (29 September 2010, St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford)
Report by Justin Reay FSA (St. Bede's Hall, Oxford)   
(full text)


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